Liputan Uinvest dalam CrowdConf 2012
Seperti info sebelumnya disini
Uinvest hadir sebagai salah satu peserta acara tahunan Crowdfunding Conference
yang tahun ini diadakan di San Fransisco
Berikut adalah beberapa foto dan liputan singkatnya
On October 23, 2012 the UInvest exhibition took place at CrowdConf in San Francisco, California. Our representatives explained a UInvest concept to visitors. A great interest arised among the conference participants, and many questions were asked, and answered to the best of knowledge of our representatives.
semakin mantab aja Uinvest menunjukkan eksistensinya
liputan detail dan video akan diupdate nanti
Seperti info sebelumnya disini
Uinvest hadir sebagai salah satu peserta acara tahunan Crowdfunding Conference
yang tahun ini diadakan di San Fransisco
Berikut adalah beberapa foto dan liputan singkatnya
On October 23, 2012 the UInvest exhibition took place at CrowdConf in San Francisco, California. Our representatives explained a UInvest concept to visitors. A great interest arised among the conference participants, and many questions were asked, and answered to the best of knowledge of our representatives.
Spoilerfor foto:
semakin mantab aja Uinvest menunjukkan eksistensinya
liputan detail dan video akan diupdate nanti